Saturday, July 4, 2020

Research and Describe the Future of Criminal Justice Policy - 275 Words

Research and Describe the Future of Criminal Justice Policy (Essay Sample) Content: FUTURE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE POLICYStudent name:Professors name:Course Title:Date:Institution:The changes that are happening in the criminal justice is at a very high rate to a point that even the practitioners are getting worried. For too long the crime policy has been made on the backs of systems which are horrible. Hard cases have always made bad laws, and this triggers my temper concerning the future of the criminal justice policy making. (Stolz, 2012).The criminal justice system can be cited as one of the most important democratic institutions. An effective criminal justice system (this system comprises of many agencies- the courts, the police the probation, corrections defenders and pre- trial services) is critical for two principal reasons. One, maintenance of law and order in the sense of fairness is a crucial building block of everything else that the society desires to do. Second, in every problem that anyone want to address poverty, addiction, race, homeless ness, mental illness is interweaved in the criminal justice penal system. Hence, it becomes one of the major underlying perceptions of the center for the innovation of the courts. The criminal justice process can, therefore, be used to address numerous social issues. (Barton Johns, 2013).It is one of the main things that motivates to look into the future criminal justice policy making. Evidence-based policy making is an approach that needs to be adopted by the decision makers in the future. There will be a total shift in attitudes towards the use of evidence in making the policy decisions in some tears to come. In the future, it will be impossible for one just to go an elected criminal justice official and says to him that you have something that sounds nice. One will be needed to produce some data that will be of use as evidence will be required to support some assertions.In an effort of the criminal justice system continues to work in different ways to improve the policymaking pr ocess as a way of helping the community feel safe, the new technology will play a critical part in this advancement as it has always done in other sectors. The only way is planning for the future as the criminal justice policy making process has come from very far. Though the criminal justice system has come from very far, each time that the technology gets used in the policy making process has it pros and cons. In the next 20years, technology is going to take the criminal justice-making process to higher levels. Technology advancements will create much bigger roles as far as the policing is concerned. It is going to create physical forms of personal identifications such as DNA. According to Hancock Sharp. (2000), in the future technology will be more sophisticated but much easier to use and hence little training hence this will aid I the criminal justice policy making process. The technological tools will be widely adopted hence transforming the criminal justice policy making proc ess. The fascinating nature of the technology is so scary at times since with the currents advancements; not even one knows what the future holds.The technological advances will automatically have enormous influence in fighting crimes. The developments in the DNA analysis, biometrics, surveillance, radio identification microchips will be an enhancement in the prevention of crime and solving of the offense. The increasingly intelligence databases will likely be useful both for the public and the police officer and analysts. The future will also come with significant improvements in the interoperability systems that allow officials to communicate electronically especially during the emergencies. The global trends will play important roles in how the criminal justice policy making process will be carried out in the entire world by the year 2040. (Hancock Sharp, 2000).Hobbs Hamerton, (2014) states thatresearch is a critical part of the sound criminal justice policy as well as in the dev elopment of advanced technology that is useful in supporting the work of the law enforcement agencies. Sound evaluations of methods and those of the existing OJP provide programs that are necessary to ensure wise expenditure for the taxpayers resources. As the development, research and evaluation agency of the Department of Justice, the National in the state of Justice comes in to improve the understanding and the knowledge of crimes and the issues of justice through justice. The NIJ also provides independent knowledge and tools that are objective in reducing crimes and promoting justice specifically at the local and the state levels.Another limitation associated with the criminal justice policy making policy is that they involve a lot of statistics. For example in the U.S, the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is the statistical agency at the primary level. This body gets involved in the collection analysis and publishing and the dissemination of information concerning crime, vict ims of crime, crime offenders and operationalizing the justice systems at the government levels. Statistical data that is accurate, impartial and timely are necessary for guiding and informing states, federal and even the local justice policy making processes. It enables the administration of justice, and in improving the quality and also help when accessing the information used for making decisions in the criminal justice. (Jones Newburn, 2007).Another significant limitation associated with the criminal justice policy making policy is the evidence integration especially where children get exposed to violence. Children ay experience violence, crime and other forms of abuse in their communities, schools and even homes and such experience accumulate over time. Understanding and addressing these issues of the children exposed to violence requires an approach that is multidisciplinary has no limitat...

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